Dr. Lalitha Sharma
Dr. Lalitha is a practitioner & teacher of Alternative Holistic Sciences and Neuro Linguistic Psychology (NLP) since 1999.she is doctorate in Natural Healing Sciences and She is a Master/Teacher of Reiki, Pranic Healing, Magnified Healing, Acupressure, Aroma therapy, Yoga, Meditation, Hypnosis, Melchizedek Method of hologram healing, Feng Shui, Tai chi and NLP. Using all the above sciences she has healed over 1000 people. She conducts various Corporate Training Programmes in topics viz. Personality Development, Communication and Public Speaking Skills, Time Management, Stress Management and an exclusive empowering workshop for ladies and children from the Learning & Development Division of a large public limited organisation. By qualification Lalitha is a M.A. in English, Aesthetics and Psychology. Upon completing her mass communication course in Public Relations, Advertising and Journalism, Lalitha helped an agency in the completion and production of corporate House Magazines & Journals. Lalitha is a qualified counsellor and conducts personalized Coaching Programme for individuals desiring to achieve success. She has edited the books written by husband Rtn. Sumeet on Reiki, Hypnosis, Dowsing, NLP & Making of a Millionaire. Lalita has written two books - one on Aromatherapy and the other on Yoga. Lalitha has been a keen social worker as she was involved in the Inner Wheel Club of Bangalore Orchards. In recognition of the service rendered to mankind all the leading newspapers and magazines have featured Lalitha & Sumeet for their achievements. |
Dr.Sumeet Sharma
A graduate in Chemical Engineering with a gold medal from Bombay University, Rtn. Sumeet is also MBA with specialization in marketing from University of Illinois,USA and doctorate in NLP
Dr.Sumeet has been part of an Environment Protection Company for nearly 2 decades and has desiged several for water purification, swimming pools and industrial pollution control for water and air.
By virtue of qualifying as a Reki Master & Teacher, Rtn.Sumeet entered into the realm of spiritual teachings. His pursuit took him closer to other holistic sciences such as Yoga ,
Meditation , Pranic Healing, Acupressure, Magnified & Melchizedek Method of Holographic healing from Australia . Mr. Sumeet has authored 6 books on Holistic Science and he is teacher and practitioner of all of them
*Rtn.Sumeet is a Master Trainer in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) from NFNLP Florida, USA and certified Hypnotist from Sun Coast Hypnosis Centre, Florida , USA. *He is member of *GUILD OF HYPNOTISTS,USA*
Over the last twelve 12 years, he has untiringly taught NLP, Hypnosis & Holistic Sciences to people fro all walks of life and corporate. Rtn. Sumeet has trained well over 25,000 students all over the world in Personality Development , Marketing Skills, Time Management, Communication skills and Stress management not only in Metros but also remote areas in India being a multilingual.
Amongst the books written & released " REIKI and HYPNOSIS', "*NLP and You*" and "* Making of a millionaire*" and series of cassettes/ CDs on Leadership, Motivation , Stress management & Mind
control are exceptionally popular. He has also specialized in VEDANTA and is an official teacher
of *Prasanna Trust* for Mantra Yoga. |
Programme Advisor For Alternative Sciences
Dipti Satwala Gandhi
Dipti is a Reiki Master and Teacher and Practitioner of Holistic Medicine. For over the last two decades, Dipti has been helping people heal themselves through the techniques of Holistic Medicine. She strongly believes that all healings are self-healing. Hence while imparting the healing knowledge, she makes sure that her healers learn the lesson their illness is trying to teach them and she also guides them as to how they can come to terms with their personal as well as planetary ‘karma’.
Dipti is a Shaman. Although she retired from active teaching and has been pursuing her personal ‘Sadhana’ at her home in the Madhumalai Forest Range, The Nilgiris. Dipti has specially agreed to teach two very unique and special courses viz.
A) Practical Shamanism- In this course, Dipti will be teaching how to empower yourself on a day to day basics with the ‘tricks’ of the Shamans. You will also learn to communicate with ‘nature’ one to one basis. This is a fun course! The theory portion of this course will be conducted in Bangalore which would be for 3 days IMCPT and the practicals will be conducted in The Nilgiris.
B) Journey into Life and Thereafter- This is a very unique course and Dipti has put her entire life’s Sadhana into it. It tells you about everything you wanted to know about life, death, rebirth, who you are?, where you are going? etc. Dipti has assured to answer all the queries faced by mankind with a promise not to leave any stone unturned. Again the theory portion of this course will be conducted in Bangalore for 3days at IMCPT and the practicals of 3days will be conducted in The Nilgiris.
By qualification, Dipti is B.A. and L.L.B. from the University of Mumbai. She is also a certified Mental Health Specialist from the Wankegan Developmental Centre in Illinois, U.S.A. She has done extensive work with the mentally handicapped using Holistic methods of treatment and her work has been greatly appreciated by the centre. |
Mr. Sitaraman
Mr. Sitaram was exposed to the Tantra Shastra in 1980 during his visit to Kollur Sree Kshetra of Mookambika. At this Temple he had the opportunity to interact with some Sadhakas whose Sadhana inspired him to be drawn towards the science. Later he was initiated into Maha Ganapathy & Bala Tripurasundari Mantras by Mr. Natarajan & Mrs. Lalithambal of Sree Vidya Mangada Mardali, Mylapore, Chennai.
Mr. Sitaram was enamoured to chant Chandi Path daily after reading Sree Aurobindo’s commentary on the three goddesses. He was also deeply drawn towards Saptasati.
He was initiated to the mantra of Navakshari – the moola mantra of Chandi – by Dr. Sambamurthy Sivachariar, the famous Devi Upasaka of Sri Kalikambal Temple, Thambuchetty St, Chennaiin the year 1986. Mr. Sitaram did the Purascharana Japa of Navakshi at Kollur and performed the japa homa at Palani, the sacred hill temple of Sree Dhandaythapani temple in the year 1987.
Mr. Sitaram further strengthened his Tantra sadana through the knowledge obtained from Heinrich Zimmer Indological Studies Bollingan Foundation & Theosophical books. He met Sri Ramkumar Rai , Head of Department of Benares Hindu University who gave Mr. Sitaram more insights into Tantra.
Mr. Sitaram is a Reiki Channel as well. He integrates Reiki with Tantra Sadhana.
By qualification Staraman is a BSc.in Botany. He runs a Protein Unit, Proteins, Biochemical Products, in Palani, Tamil Nadu.